I spotted this one when I was watering some pot plants this afternoon.
Just over 1cm in length, I think it's Breda sp. Probably Breda jovialis.
B.jovialis is known as the "Australian Jumping Spider" and a very colourful spider it is. This spider is very active in the palp department, waving and shimmying palps every which way!
Don't you just love 'em? :-)
(Click image to enlarge)

Nice one! I have a photo of one of those biting a huntsman on the backside. I'll post it in the near future.
I have seen such guys, but never knew their name.
Thanks Mosura and Denis.
Looking forward to seeing your photo, Mosura. That'd be a classic! :-)
G'day JL,
Great shot. Don't think I've seen one before. Must keep my eyes open some more.
Morning Gouldiae,
I think Duncan has a photo of one in one of his albums.
They are pretty cute! But then so are most Salts. :-)
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