Monday, 10 March 2008

Oenochroma vinaria Adult

(For Gaye)

These photos could have been cropped better - but I can't find the originals!

This gives you a bit of an idea as to what to look out for.


Gaye said...

Thank you SO much. What fabulous moths !!

Some of my grevilleas have been over-run with Oenochroma vinaria caterpillars, and I have seen fit to cull a few.

It will be an exciting discovery if I can turn up some of these beautifully camouflaged moths.

Did you notice that I have used one of these caterpillars for my profile picture, as it is amazingly formed into a question mark, which is appropriate for my blog - questioning and learning about nature.

Many thanks.


Junior Lepid said...

It's my pleasure, Gaye.

The 'pose' is typical of this caterpillar (family Geometridae - loopers and inchworms)

I'll have a closer look at your caterpillar!

Junior Lepid said...

Yes, those telltail horns give it away, I think!

I've noticed two different colour groups here. The brown one as per the "Caterpillar Page" and I aslo see green ones. The difference in colour might have something to do with what variety of Grevillea they're feeding on.