Saturday, 21 November 2009

November Mothing - 5

New species (for me) are continuing to present themselves this month. Here are a few of them.
(Click images to enlarge)

Two new species of Idaea and I was lucky enough to have help with the identifications.
The top one is the striking Idaea pseliota.

This one is Idaea philocosma
Geometridae : Sterrhinae

Another Tiger/Footman.
This one is Termessa gratiosa.
Arctiidae : Lithosiinae

Gastrina cristaria
Geometridae : Ennominae

This, I think is Persectania ewingii.
If you enlarge this photo, the scales resemble feathers on this particular moth. Probably a really fresh model! :-)
Noctuidae : Hadeninae.

We are in for some cooler weather and rain, hopefully, so mothing may be put on the back burner for a few days.


Mosura said...

I awoke at 6:30 this morning to the sound of heavy rain and had to run up the back to turn the light of. I've never had one explode yet but best not take chances.

First three are nice moths. The second one, Idaea philocosma, is supposed to be found here so I'll have to keep an eye out for it.

Junior Lepid said...

Well, we are still awaiting the 15 - 20mm BOM promised, but I've learnt not to take BOM seriously! :-)

I will be keeping an eye on your blog, Mosura. It's interesting comparing and also learning who is on the wing and when.

Denis Wilson said...

I had a maiden aunt who specialised in very fine lace work.
She would have been proud of the pattern in No 1.
Did you get any rain? Melbourne got a bucketing, it seems. Hope you got some.
Sticky as hell here - but no risk of fires, locally. Hunter Valley and point north are having trouble though.

Junior Lepid said...

Hello Denis,

The moth is quite stunning, isn't it?

Yep, we have had an almost normal rainfall for November. 73.5mm to date.

Mothing has been pretty quiet as a result.

Sorry you comment has been sitting in limbo for a week! :-)