Here are some of them.
(Click images to enlarge)
This is a new moth for me.
Sandava xylistis
Noctuidae : Hypeninae
This is a small moth less that 1cm in length.
Eublemma rivula
Noctuidae : Acontiinae
I think this is Chloroclystis filata. It had a wingspan of about 2cm.
Geometridae : Larentiinae
This one has proved difficult to identify absolutely.
In Janurary this year, I photographed Sterictopsis argyraspis but this one seems to have much darker zig-zag lines across the upper wing. If anyone can correctly identify it, I would be pleased.
Sterictopsis species
Nacoleia rhoeoalis
Crambidae : Pyraustinae
I knew I was psychic! I just knew my Hypobapta percomptaria would be darker than Mosura's !! :-)
Geometridae : Geometrinae
Edit: This moth might be Hypobapta diffundens - not H. percomptaria.
Wow you really are psychic! :-)
Some really interesting moths there. How did you ID the (Boarmia) suasaria ?
A couple their which we get in Tassie but which I have not personally seen (yet)
Told ya I was! :-)
(Boarmia) suasaria was identified by a mothing friend who is currently working on Geometrids for a future edition of "Moths of Victoria" booklet, Mosura.
I should have added that no genus is assigned.
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