Sunday 26 October 2008

Tobacco Looper


I found this moth yesterday afternoon when I returned home from an Agricultural Show.

I'm pretty sure it is Chrysodeixis argentifera. The tell-tale silver "S" on the wing separates it from a similar Chrysodeixis species.

Now I might know one of the cuprits making holes in my Silver Beet!

Caterpillars of this moth also feed on canola, beens, sunflowers and tomatoes and has a bit of a reputation as being an agricultural pest.

The moth measured about 2.4cm in resting position.

It can be found all over Australia, including Tasmania.

(Click images to enlarge)

Duncan has a photo of this moth in his "October Moths" gallery.


Mosura said...

Haven't had one yet this season.

Junior Lepid said...

I was over the moon to find it! :-) Mothing has been appalling here so far. Weather, mainly.

Duncan said...

Nice photos JL, I got one in last night too, got my best picture of it with the new toy, showed up the metallic gold glints nicely.

Junior Lepid said...

Thanks Duncan,

Off to have a look! :-)