On June 5th, I posted a few shots of this moth and could not identify it.
I now know it to be Fisera perplexata - winter form.
I have learnt something. Moths can have different forms depending on the seasons.

Thanks Peter.
Butterflies, Moths plus other invertebrates found in my garden at Great Western, Victoria. Australia
You got an ID - Excellent!
None of my books have Fisera perplexata in them let alone a winter form.
As far as I'm aware, there are no images of the winter form on the net - other than Duncan's and mine!
Another reason we need a national Lepidoptera database established with good photographs, mosura.
Hopefully - one day! :-)
I agree with your thoughts JL, a good photographic database on the web would be great. Nothing like good pictures to help with an identification.
Hear hear.
Things I miss from my 8 years in Scotland:
* The range of comprehensive moth ID books.
* The Lepidoptera recording schemes run at county level where amateurs could contribute records.
* The choice of moderated Nature/Mothing discussion forums where people could help one another out with ID's etc. (hint to anyone with the time and resources to set one up)
e,g. Back Garden Moths
* The fact that mothing as a hobby even made it to prime time television now and then on shows like Spring Watch with Bill Oddie.
True, Duncan, although, as you would know, photos aren't always the key, particularly with moths. Species ID via dissection is required in some cases and that, I will happily leave to the 'professionals'! :-)
We need to get the word out there about a database, as one would be of great benefit to amateur 'mothers' such as the 3 of us! A good database might also encourage other people to begin to record moth sightings.
I don't know who we should be lobbying - er - I mean gently leaning on at this stage. The CSIRO may pooh-pooh the notion. The Australian Museum might be a likely target. On the other hand, a private venture could be set up, provided we had assistance from some specialists in the field and that's a big ask for busy people!
Sorry mosura, I missed your "hear hear' comment when I was waffling on in my last.
You've stolen my thunder! I came back here to ask for feedback as to whether there would be any benefit setting up a board, perhaps private to begin with where we could thrash out a few ideas. It would be a heck of a lot more convenient than attempting same via the "Comments" facilites on our respective blogs. Also, if we could tempt a few of the experts to join who may have input as to what we'd be up against with regard to creating a database with accurate identifications.
Thoughts, please! :-)
I was wrong in my first comment above. Fisera perplexata is indeed in one of my books. Five very large pages on the one species in fact. See if your library can get "Portraits of South Australian Geometrid Moths" by Noel McFarland and see pages 99 - 103.
He describes three typical forms:
Form A: is on the wing from about April to mid May.
Form B: (Your one) is on the wing from about early May to mid July.
Form C: On the wing from about early June to July.
The times are based on his own observations in South Australia.
There are photos and detailed descriptions of each form.
mosura, did your book indicate what the larvae feed on?
I can't find anything about that on the Net.
Yes a board would be great even if it was no more than a place to help with ID's and otherwise discuss what species are around etc etc. I would certainly participate on it.
There is plenty of free software such as phpBB which is fairly easy to set up. I actually set one up 18 months ago but couldn't find anyone interested in moths at the time. Problem is, I no longer have the time to maintain such a board. - You'd hardly guess it by the time I've spent on the computer this week :-) That's why I took it and my moth site down. I'll be putting a simplified version of my moth site back online soon but would not be able to manage a forum as well.
There are also sites do all the setting up on there server along with a few adds which would be cheaper than using ones own server or hosting.
Quote from the book:
Apparently restricted to mature leaves of Eucalyptus spp. Larvae are present from late May to late October growing very slowly all winter (During the coolest and wettest part of the year), finally reaching full size in early spring. Only or primarily mature (old) leaves are eaten. Never the new growth (which is, in fact, not usually available for the first 3 - 4 months of larval development.
I was thinking php.
I'd like to hear from Duncan and Gouldiae.
Thanks for that, mosura.
There might be more sightings of Fisera sp to be had - hopefully! :-)
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